Healing Pathways of Houston

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Ways to connect with your partner when you feel stuck in a routine

Do you feel like you and your partner have been disconnected lately? Are you starting to feel bored in your relationship or as though the spark is dwindling? 

In every relationship, there will be times when connecting with your partner takes more time and effort. Life can get in the way and spending quality time with your significant other can take the backseat. There’s no shame in acknowledging that you don’t feel as secure in your relationship, or that you’re feeling that your needs aren’t being met.

Today, we’re going to share some practical tips for how to reignite the spark in your relationship and connect with your partner on a deeper level, even in the busyness of daily life. 

Prioritize spending meaningful, one-on-one time together. 

Never underestimate the power of a date night. Whether it’s grabbing a bite to eat or watching a movie or having a fun game night, having activities to look forward to doing with your partner can help you feel connected. If you find it hard to plan something, try having a standing appointment every week or two so that it’s not even a question. If you have trouble coming up with a fun date idea on the spot, have a running list of activities on a note in your phone to go back to each week. Alternate who plans the date each week so that one person in the relationship doesn’t feel pressure every week. Some of these date ideas could include:

  • Doing a picnic at the park or on the beach or at the lake 

  • Go to the movies

  • Visit a museum

  • Go ice skating 

  • Play mini golf 

  • Grab dinner or dessert (ice cream is always a good idea!) 

Another simple way to spend some quality time together more consistently is to include each other in everyday activities. This can be as simple as:

  • Exercising together (going to a yoga class, going to the gym, or going on a walk or bike ride are some examples)

  • Cooking a meal together 

  • Watching a comedy special or movie together

  • Hosting a game or trivia night with friends

Show your love for each other

It’s often the simple things that make a difference, and cultivating that sense of connection between you and your partner doesn’t need to be complicated. It’s about being present in the moments that you spend together and making each other feel valued. Little gestures like sending a text to your partner letting them know you’re thinking of them or that you appreciate them. Or picking up flowers or bringing home their favorite food or sweet treat. Let each other know that you acknowledge and appreciate their presence and show how much you value them. 

Consider Couples Therapy

You can always start by taking the five love languages assessment so that you begin to understand each others’ needs more. Communication is one of the most important components of building and maintaining a healthy relationship, and therapy can play a key role in the health of your relationship. Sometimes when we’re so stuck in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we don’t take the time to prioritize improving our relationships. Having time to speak openly about your relationship can help reignite the spark and show your commitment to one another.

Healing Pathways of Houston can help you and your partner to create a deeper level of understanding, acceptance, and communication with each other.