Healing Pathways of Houston

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What to do When Your Child is Struggling with Mental Health

As a parent, it can feel incredibly overwhelming when your child is struggling and you don’t know how to help them. If you’ve come across this article, chances are you are looking for ways to help your child cope. Today, I’ll be sharing key ways that you can support your child’s emotional wellbeing.

1. Validate their feelings

The first step is to honor their reality. Make sure that they feel seen and heard and taken seriously. Being empathetic and validating how your child is feeling can help them feel comfortable opening up to you and give you a better sense of what your child is going through, and how you can help them.

2. Name the feeling

Sometimes the simple act of naming a feeling as “anxiety” or “sadness” or “overwhelm” can make your child feel better. It’s super simple but very powerful. Gently ask your child if they could try to name the feeling in their body and see if it helps. 

3. Find them a great therapist

As a therapist here at Healing Pathways of Houston, I’m able to witness the tremendous benefits that therapy can have on a child's overall wellbeing. Having the support of someone with who they can talk openly, without fear of judgment or invalidation, can be life-changing. Therapy helps your child become more self-aware, learn coping skills, and develop healthy ways to manage their emotions. 

4. Create a “worry time”

Having a designated time to worry and feel all of the “yucky” feelings can help give your child a container to actually feel their feelings, without pushing them away. Consider setting aside time specifically to tend to your child’s emotions and help them feel validated. Instead of having the anxiety linger distantly in the background constantly, try teaching your child how to contain these feelings within a time frame and give these emotions the attention they deserve.

5. Take care of your own mental health

Ultimately, the best thing you could possibly do for your child is to preserve your own mental health. Children are directly impacted by those around them - especially their parents or guardians. They learn by watching you, so if you are practicing self-care and nurturing your mental health, it’s so incredibly helpful for your child. Prioritizing our own mental health is not selfish when it comes to your children – it’s essential!

If you’re experiencing issues with your kiddo and would like to get them extra support, feel free to reach out to our expert team at Healing Pathways of Houston. We are here to help.