Healing Pathways of Houston

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Five Benefits of Having a Furry Friend

Do you have a furry friend?

Have you ever thought about how beneficial they are to your mental health?

There is no doubt that pets and humans have a very special bond. Many people diagnosed with mental illness symptoms acknowledged that having a pet has helped them cope with their illness.

I absolutely adore my fur baby Stark, and he’s definitely part of the family.

So here are a few ways having a furry friend is good for your mental health.

  1. Petting your furry friend releases your happy hormones, therefore reducing stress and anxiety.

  2. Pets reduce feelings of loneliness.

  3. Pets encourage you to develop a daily routine.

  4. Pets bring out your playful, childlike spirit.

  5. Pets may serve as a social “icebreaker,” and motivate you to build new relationships, especially with other pet owners.