Self Care Weekend

5 Weekend Self-Care Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank

Happy Friday everyone! We made it!

Was it just me, or did the week feel loooong? The rainy weather in Houston hasn’t helped the mood. Guess what can though?! Planning some self-care ideas for the weekend!

After such a long week of daily stressors, stepping into the weekend with some self-care activities isn’t a bad idea! Here are some of my favorite restorative things to do over the weekend (that won’t break the bank):

  1. Read a book: I don’t know about you, but there’s something about lighting a candle, snuggling up with a blanket, and reading a great book. It’s like medicine for a drained body/mind after a long week. Whether you’re reading in the park, in bed, or in the tub, grabbing a book and letting your mind get lost in the pages is always an awesome self-care practice. 

  2. Meditation/personal quiet time: With all the hustle and bustle of life, getting to actually have some quiet time with yourself (whether it’s through meditation, a calming walk, or just chilling with a cup of tea) honestly feels like a luxury. You deserve time for yourself. 

  3. Learn or try something new: As humans, we thrive when we’re learning something new and giving our senses something novel to experience. Maybe you’ve been thinking about learning how to skateboard, play the guitar, or learn about ancient greek mythology -- whatever it is, trying something new feeds your brain and spirit.

  4. Take a nap: S. L. E. E. P.  We all know it’s important but sometimes, it’s hard to fit in all the Z’s we know we’re supposed to. That’s where napping comes in! In many other cultures (I’m looking at you, Mexico), taking a nap (or “siesta”) is part of daily life. It’s a natural form of self-preservation and care. Don’t feel guilty for taking a nap and giving yourself the replenishment that you need. 

  5. Listen to relaxing music: Have you ever walked into a store and they’re blasting super loud music? Do you feel calmer? Probably not. Likewise, have you ever entered a spa/yoga studio, etc. that is playing beautiful piano music? You most likely felt way more relaxed just from listening to it. You can create that same ambiance in your home. Just head over to YouTube and select some relaxing music to play in the background. Even if you have some minor chores to do like folding laundry or washing dishes, playing calming music is always a great way to create a nice environment. 

*** Bonus Tip! Set the table really beautifully for yourself 

Instead of eating huddled in front of your computer, consider creating a really nice ambiance for the best dinner date you could have -- YOURSELF. Set the table, light a candle, put on some music, and take some time to prepare yourself a yummy dinner. Why not?! 

Need some extra support? Our team of highly skilled therapists provides a positive and safe experience for you to step on your pathway to self-care, self-discovery, and self-awareness. 


This is what toxic positivity looks like