Feeling overwhelmed? Here's how to feel better.

We all get overwhelmed sometimes, and it could be work-related, family or you’re just flat out swamped with everything that’s going on in your life and it can start to stress you out.

When I started my practice, it was one of the busiest times of my life. At one point I got so overwhelmed with it all and I barely had time to breathe. My solution?

I stepped back. I took time to slow down, reset, and get back to what I needed to do ( but while feeling much calmer than before).

Here are some of the things that helped my overwhelm dissolve:

Take an emotional timeout

Sometimes you simply have to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to take an emotional timeout. It may be difficult because you might think if you just keep “doing” and working, then the overwhelm will go away. That’s just not the case. If you’re overwhelmed, you’re already not functioning at your best capacity. You may end up making errors that could have been prevented, saying something you don’t mean, and burning yourself out. Take five. Breathe, step back, and allow yourself to recenter.

Move your body and stretch

Moving your body helps release stuck energy and emotion. It interrupts the pattern of overwhelm and gets you back into the present moment. When we’re so stuck in our minds and in the feelings of overwhelm, we can disconnect from our bodies. Simply taking a short walk outside or turning on one of your favorite songs and dancing for a few minutes can change the course of your whole day. Even just stretching a little bit and getting the blood flowing in your body can totally shift the energy. Give it a try!

Connect with friends and/or loved one

Feeling overwhelmed can make us feel alone. It’s an isolating experience that can make us feel like we’re drowning. Connecting with people we love can be one of the fastest ways out of the spiral out of overwhelm. Calling a friend — even if it’s just for five minutes — can remind you that you are supported and that we all feel overwhelmed sometimes.

Express yourself

We’ve talked a lot about how interrupting the overwhelm is key to dissolving it. Doing something to express yourself creatively is an awesome way to ground yourself in the moment and be fully absorbed in something other than the overwhelm. It always helps you get into a “flow state” where your brain can actually function better. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, try doing something creative and see how it helps!

Ask yourself: “do I need to do this right now?”

When we’re in the midst of overwhelm, our minds want everything figured out NOW. How about if you really challenged what is actually a priority? Instead of feeding into the overwhelm and giving yourself a mountain of unrealistic expectations, try simplifying. Make a list. Keep it basic. Break it down. One step at a time is all you can do.

More than anything, remember that this will pass. Chances are, you’ve been overwhelmed before you you made it through. You can do this.


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