EMDR — also known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing — is a powerful therapeutic treatment that helps dissolve the stress associated with traumatic memories. Unlike traditional talk therapy, repeated studies have shown that EMDR can be as effective as years of traditional psychotherapy.
Eye movements (and/or other forms of bilateral stimulation — which we’ll get more into in just a minute) are used to help alleviate the distress associated with disturbing events that have been keeping us stuck.
Just like how the body is naturally designed to heal from physical trauma, EMDR helps the mind heal from psychological trauma. It removes the blockages that are keeping your system from naturally moving towards mental health and healing. If your system is imbalanced or distressed due to a traumatic event, the emotional wound can cause a blockage and lead to intense suffering and mental decline. It can prevent our minds and body’s from their inborn process of returning to balance and wholeness. Once the blockage is removed, healing can resume. EMDR-trained therapists help their clients activate their natural healing response and signal to the mind and body that it is safe to release and process the blockage and move into greater healing.
EMDR is particularly helpful for dealing with:
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)
Panic disorder
Chronic illness/pain
Childhood trauma
Unresolved grief
Eating disorders
Severe phobias
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
For a more in-depth explanation on what EMDR is, who can benefit from it, and what the process looks like, visit this blogpost.
Healing Pathways of Houston has some mental health professionals who have engaged in additional training to offer EMDR Services to you. We will walk you through this process. You are not alone in this.
Book your free 15-minute consultation with us. We look forward to sharing more about this unique service.
Source: EMDR.com