Five Ways to Connect With Your Child Each Night


Connecting with your child each night is so important, and reassures them about how much you care about them. 

It’s the perfect time to slow down after a busy day of running around for both the parents and the kiddos. The kids tend to be most chatty at this time (to avoid lights out, of course!), but this time gives you a chance to listen to them and find out more about their concerns before another busy day. 

So if you’re a parent, try these five ways to connect with your child each night and enjoy your time with your little ones.

  1. Have a bedtime routine that ends with hugs and kisses: Kids thrive with routines - it gives them a sense of certainty and security. Having a nighttime routine that can include reading a bedtime story, watching a funny show, or talking about their day can help them wind down for bed and provide a sense of connection. 

  2. Have a snuggle fest with the whole family: Hugs and snuggles raise our levels of oxytocin (known as the “cuddle hormone”). Oxytocin lowers stress levels and boosts happiness, and affection helps kids feel loved and secure. 

  3. Sing together: Whether it’s blasting a song to sing in the car on the way to school, or having a karaoke night, singing is an awesome activity to do with your kids! It’s okay if you don’t sound like Beyoncé — just have fun! 

  4. Ask them about their day and listen to their concerns: Giving your kids the space to open up and share what’s going on in their internal world shows them that it’s okay to be vulnerable and expressive. Listen with compassion and remind them that you are there for them. 

  5. Recite some positive affirmations that will teach them to be confident and strong: Empower your children to speak kindly about themselves and others by saying positive affirmations with them! I love this video of a dad and this daughter saying some positive affirmations before school! 

Here at Healing Pathways of Houston, we are here for you and your kiddies. We love working with families to help them thrive, connect, and create healthy relationships. Reach out to to learn more! 

At Healing Pathways of Houston, we are here to support you. Book a call with us and let’s find ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing.


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