How to Calm Yourself Down in Times of Stress


Being able to calm yourself down in times of overwhelm is easier said than done. But the goal is to have practices in place, so we know how to calm ourselves down. Having a few strategies you’re familiar with can change your entire state when you are feeling anxious or angry. 

Here are some helpful, actionable tips you can try the next time you need help calming yourself down. 

  1. Take a few deep breaths: Breathing is one of the most powerful tools our body has to help us calm down. It tells your body and mind that you are okay, and that it is safe to relax.

  2. Have a centering object: As sentient beings, having something to hold in a time of stress can be very helpful. Whether it’s a stone or crystal or a stress ball you can squeeze, it can be very grounding to have something to focus on and remind yourself to stay in your body and in the present moment. 

  3. Listen to music: This is one of the quickest ways to change your emotional state. I’d suggest making a playlist of your favorite songs to listen to when you need to change your headspace. 

  4.  Start a creative/DIY project: Tuning into creativity is super helpful when it comes to calming yourself down. Focusing your energy on something creative — whether it’s an art project or playing an instrument or organizing your closet — can be incredibly grounding. I even create different playlists for different moods! This can be easier to do on Spotify, YouTube or Apple Music. Some of these offer free versions!

  5. Visualize yourself being calm: Closing your eyes for a few minutes to picture yourself in a serene environment and feeling relaxed can help show your mind that it’s okay to feel calm. Once your mind gets the memo, it’s easier for your body to relax too. 

Being able to identify your triggers and know what helps you through them is incredibly powerful. Next time you feel overwhelmed, try doing one of these practices to see what is useful in those times of stress. I hope this helps! 

At Healing Pathways of Houston, we are here to support you. Book a call with us and let’s find ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing.


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