Tools for Helping Your Child With Anxiety

Just like many of the adults around them, children may experience anxiety too, and parents play a huge role in helping their children through these difficult emotions. 

Like adults, children can also have other anxiety disorders, which range from separation anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to panic attacks. Some signs of anxiety are easier to spot, but other anxiety disorders can be a little harder to detect.

If you’re noticing symptoms of anxiety, here’s how you can help:

  • Encourage your kiddo to communicate their feelings. Let them know that is okay to not be okay, and that their feelings matter. 

  • Listen to your child’s concerns and help them practice calming and coping techniques.

  • Try to use all five senses together and help them think of a calming place or person in their mind and focus on that.

The ways that parents cope with anxiety can affect the way children deal with their fears. While parents should not pretend that they don't have anxiety, they should focus on showing kids that it is something that can be calmly tolerated and effectively managed.

There are quite a few ways to help your kiddo cope, and if you’ve tried these and nothing is working, we would love to support you and your child. Reach out to or call (832) 895-9358 to learn more.

At Healing Pathways of Houston, we are here to support you. Book a call with us and let’s find ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing.


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