Navigating chronic Illness during the holidays


Holidays can be a challenge, especially as the festivities ramp up and you're invited to holiday parties, family gatherings, or other events. Mix in chronic illness, and it can feel even more overwhelming. However, with a bit of planning and preparation, it's possible to enjoy the holiday season with your friends and family while managing your chronic illness at the same time.

Here are a few tips for making the most of the holidays with chronic illness:

Plan ahead and take time for yourself

A little bit of extra planning can help you manage your symptoms, plan for potential flare-ups or fatigue, and give you some peace of mind. Make sure to schedule enough time for rest, and give yourself permission to take a break when you need to.

If you know that the holidays will bring extra stressors and strain on your body, take some time before they arrive to plan out how you’ll manage your energy and well-being. This could mean making lists of things that need to be done ahead of time so that you can focus on enjoying the holiday season without feeling overwhelmed.

 Make sure you have everything you need. It’s not just about the food, gifts, and events – we have to plan for ourselves and for our health. Consider making a list of the essentials like medications, supplies, healthy snacks, and other items you may need to navigate your chronic illness throughout the holidays.

Set boundaries

It's important to set boundaries with yourself and others -- especially if your health is compromised. Let your family know ahead of time that you may need extra rest, or their understanding if you have to skip out on a big gathering. It’s also okay to say no at times — it can be hard, but sometimes it’s necessary in order to take care of yourself.

Stay connected

Although you may decide that it's best to skip out on certain events, the holidays can still be a time of connection and love. Lean into friendships and family that understand your needs — whether in person or through video chat, FaceTime, or other virtual technologies.

Take breaks

Be mindful of what your body needs and be sure to provide it with the time and rest it needs. Take breaks throughout the day, and create a schedule that works for your body to ensure it’s getting the rest it needs. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or fatigued, take a break from whatever activity you’re doing and head somewhere quiet for some much-needed R&R.

Set realistic expectations

It can be easy to get carried away with our dreams of the perfect holiday, but it’s important to remember that your body and health come first. Keeping expectations realistic will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed or disappointed.

Reach out

Remember that having a chronic illness doesn’t mean going through the holidays alone. Reach out to supportive family or friends and let them know what you’re going through. They may be able to provide helpful advice or even just a friendly ear. Our therapists are also available to provide support — we understand how hard it can be to navigate chronic illness during the holidays, and we’re here for you.

We hope these tips help make navigating chronic illness during the holidays a bit more manageable! Remember to take care of yourself, be mindful of your energy levels, and have compassion for yourself if things don't go as planned.

Happy Holidays! 🎄🤶🏼☃️😊


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