Healing Pathways of Houston

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Social Media and Mental Health - 5 Useful Strategies for Better Self Care

It's become hard to imagine a world without social media! But with so much content out there, it can be difficult to ensure we're taking care of our mental health while staying connected. At Healing Pathways of Houston, we help our clients tend to their mental health and move through anxiety, depression, trauma, and life challenges. Today, we'll share 5 useful strategies to promote better self-care when using social media. Let's get to it!

1. Set Boundaries:

Boundaries aren't just for interpersonal relationships - they're also incredibly important when it comes to how you interact with social media. It's essential to create rules for yourself and understand the limits of your engagement with digital platforms, both on a daily basis and on specific days. For example, maybe you turn off your phone notifications after 8 pm or delete all apps from your home screen during the weekends. Having clear boundaries will help make sure you're not getting sucked into a downward spiral of check-ins and notifications.

If you find it difficult to limit your social media use, there are apps available that can help track your usage. These apps provide insights into how much time you spend on social media and can also remind you to take breaks. Some of the most popular apps include Forest, RescueTime, and Moment. Additionally, some social media platforms have built-in screen time features that allow you to set usage goals and track your progress.

Try to be consistent with your social media schedule. Consistency will help you establish a routine and stick to it in the long term. Remember, social media is not a substitute for real-life experiences and should not consume the majority of your time. A good rule of thumb is to spend no more than 30 minutes per day on social media.

2. Follow Inspiring Accounts

A cluttered social media feed can be overwhelming and can contribute to stress and anxiety. Many accounts post content that highlights negative news or drama, and this can add to our already hectic daily lives. It's important to evaluate your social media feeds regularly to declutter and remove any sources of negativity.

One strategy for promoting good mental health while using social media is to follow accounts that inspire and energize you. Look for accounts that share positive messages, information, or images that align with your values and interests. This can help you shift your mindset towards a more constructive and hopeful outlook.

Try to find accounts that promote positivity and wellness, such as yoga or meditation influencers, health and fitness accounts, or mental health advocacy groups. You can also look for social media accounts that promote your hobbies or interests, such as cooking, travel, or art. These accounts can provide a sense of engagement and positivity in your daily feed.

In addition to following positive accounts, you can also curate a social media feed that aligns with your beliefs and interests. This can be achieved by unfollowing accounts that do not align with your values or interests.

Here are a few of our favorite accounts to follow:

3. Take Breaks

Taking breaks from social media is crucial to maintaining good mental health. Constant exposure to screens and negative content can result in feelings of anxiety and depression. It's important to give yourself time away from social media just like you would from any other activity.

Consider taking breaks from social media throughout the day or week. You could schedule time away from social media during meals or before bed. This will create space for your mind to recharge and refresh. During your social media breaks, engage in activities that promote relaxation and clear your mind. Some of these activities could include practicing yoga or meditation, taking a walk outside, calling a friend, reading a book, or listening to music. Engaging in physical activities during social media breaks can help reduce stress and improve your mood. Exercise helps to produce endorphins which can be a natural mood booster. Additionally, physical activities get you moving and improve blood flow, which can help clear your mind.

Finally, use this time away from social media to practice self-reflection and self-care. Consider journaling, practicing gratitude or affirmations, or doing deep breathing exercises. These activities can help you to focus on the present moment, reduce stress, and improve your well-being.

4. Connect with Real People

Social media platforms have revolutionized how we communicate and interact with others. While they allow us to stay connected to our virtual community, they can also lead to a sense of isolation and disconnectedness from real-life relationships.

Connecting with real people, such as friends, family, and acquaintances, is essential for good mental health. Take the time to talk with them in person or over the phone. These interactions provide us with a sense of belonging and support, which can help reduce feelings of isolation and disconnection.

In-person or over-the-phone interactions with real people can also be a valuable source of advice and guidance when we're dealing with the stresses of daily living. Often, real-life conversations can provide solutions to the problems we're facing that we might not have considered otherwise.

5. Practice Self-Compassion

Social media presents a curated and filtered version of reality. Everyone is posting their best selves, achievements, and experiences, which can create an illusion of perfection. It's essential to recognize that comparing yourself to others on social media can be detrimental to your mental health. When we compare ourselves to others, we often end up feeling inadequate and as if we're not measuring up. We must remind ourselves that social media is not an accurate representation of the real world. In reality, everyone has their struggles and flaws. It's essential to practice self-compassion and be kind to ourselves when we feel overwhelmed by notifications or when comparing our lives to others online.

One way to practice self-compassion is to take a break from social media when it becomes overwhelming. Remember, it's okay to step back and take time for yourself. Reflect on your own accomplishments, strengths, and the things you're grateful for in your life. Another way to practice self-compassion is to focus on your own goals and progress. Avoid comparing yourself to others and instead, focus on your own progress and achievements. When we focus on our own efforts and growth, we're more likely to feel happy and fulfilled.

As far as we know, social media isn't going anywhere! But that doesn't mean we can't take control of our mental health and wellbeing. By implementing these five strategies for better self-care, you'll be able to use social media in a more positive way and improve your mental health. Remember, healthy habits always start with yourself! So take the time to check in with yourself and practice self-care whenever you can. You deserve it!

Good luck and happy scrolling! :)