Healthy Boundaries in Relationships


How to Create Healthy Boundaries

One of the greatest self-care practices you can implement is creating healthy boundaries with those around you. Whether it’s with friends, partners, coworkers, or family members setting boundaries will help ensure that your relationships do not drain your energy and leave you feeling depleted. 

Some signs of healthy boundaries look like: 

  • Communicating your boundaries and expressing your needs: this can take practice, and be quite intimidating at first, but it will be well worth it. You deserve to honor your boundaries and communicate your needs. 

  • Saying “no” without feeling guilty: you can simultaneously be kind and be clear with your boundaries. If you’re looking for a kind way to decline an offer or ask, try saying → “Thank you so much for asking, but unfortunately, I won’t be able to do that.” 

  • Acknowledging your needs: having healthy boundaries means taking care of yourself and not self-sacrificing in order to meet someone else’s needs. By honoring what you need and giving yourself the self-care you deserve, you will then be able to be of greater service to those around you. 

  • Practicing self-compassion: last but not least, being able to feel compassionate towards yourself is a sign that you have healthy boundaries. When you honor your own feelings, you start to see yourself as a person who deserves their own love and compassion, and you will continue to take your own needs into consideration. 

Having healthy boundaries does wonders for your mental health. If you need support with your mental health, our team of skilled mental health professionals at Healing Pathways of Houston is here for you. We invite you to reach out to schedule a consultation here

At Healing Pathways of Houston, we are here to support you. Book a call with us and let’s find ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing.


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