What Not to Say: Anxiety Edition

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common types of mental illnesses, and they’re on the rise.

Chances are you might know someone with the disorder, and most of the time you’re not sure what to say. Most people mean well, but saying the wrong thing can make a bad situation worse.

I encourage you to be mindful when providing support to your loved ones. Practice active listening and aim to reframe your words to show that you understand their pain, and you’re willing to help in any way.

Here are some reframes you could try:

  • Instead of “Pull Yourself Together” → try “I know this is hard for you. Take your time.” 

  • Instead of “Can’t you just try harder?” → try “What do you need right now?”

  • Instead of “There’s nothing to worry about” → try “I’m here to listen if you want to talk.”

  • Instead of “Stop being so lazy” → try “It’s okay, try again when you feel ready.” 

 Being prepared can help you become a better source of support for a friend, partner, colleague, or acquaintance who is experiencing anxiety.

At Healing Pathways of Houston, we are here to support you. Book a call with us and let’s find ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing.


Journal Prompts for Self Discovery


Journal Prompts for Anxiety